BDO Utrecht
Van Deventerlaan 101
Utrecht , 3528 AG, Nederland
Phone:(030) 284 98 00
Fax:(030) 284 98 01
Postal address
P.O. Box 4053
Utrecht, 3502 HBNederland
BDO Utrecht is situated in the geographical centre of the Netherlands. which houses an enormous concentration of service providing organisations, (international) trade organisations and non-profit institutions. This requires a business to have broad knowledge and flexibility combined with tailor-made solutions.
If you have any questions in financial or organisational areas? Our accountants, tax advisers and consultants know all the ins and outs of service providing organisations, trade companies, non-profit institutions and family businesses, both at a national and international level. Our extensive global network ensures that we always have the necessary knowledge at our disposal.
You can always rely on us to give you personal attention. We translate our knowledge and experience in a wide range of sectors and topics into advice appropriate for your organisation.
We can help you in areas such as:
Our accountants, tax advisers and consultants attach great value to personal relationships. It is the story behind your question what drives them. Irrespective of the size of your organisation or sector, we are here to help you; we work efficiently, independently and with respect for your customer relationships. With our expert advice you will always remain in control.
If you would like more information? The 350 advisers at BDO Utrecht will be happy to help you.
Van Deventerlaan 101
Utrecht , 3528 AG, Nederland
Phone:(030) 284 98 00
Fax:(030) 284 98 01
Postal address
P.O. Box 4053
Utrecht, 3502 HBNederland