Accountancy & Business advice

A personal advisor and smart online solutions

Accountancy & Business Advice

You want the certainty that your figures are accurate and up-to-date. At the same time, you need someone who can translate these figures into new insights and possibilities for your company. BDO offers you exactly what you need: smart online solutions for your administrative processes and a personal advisor who provides new insights.

BDO can do this for you


You want your financial administration to be accurate, reliable and clear. But you find it just as important that you know what the figures really say about your company. Our accountants translate the figures on your annual accounts into what really happens within your company. We can also take over your administration from A to Z and ensure continuity and quality improvement through our developed knowledge of accountancy.

Business advice

Your personal advisor is your sounding board, coach and critical sparring partner who gives you solicited and unsolicited advice. So that you always make the right decision. In addition, your permanent advisor ensures that the right specialists work for you. From financial analysis, accounting and taxation to business advice and HR.

Online dashboarding

Our online dashboard is linked to your financial systems. So that you can immediately analyze your business performance and adjust where necessary. Your figures are no longer just a record of the past, but help you and your advisor look ahead. In addition, through data-driven work, we can benchmark your organization against other similar organizations in the same industry.

Payroll and HR

Your payroll administration is an indispensable link within your organization. This ensures that your employees receive the correct salary and that you are compliant with the payroll tax rules. The complexity of payroll administration has increased in recent years. Consider complicated subsidies, pension schemes and changing rules regarding payroll tax credits. In addition, due to the tightness on the labor market, there is a lack of specialist knowledge in these areas.

What can you count on?

  • Your advisor is also your critical sparring partner;
  • Your administration and reports are fully automated;
  • You always have quick insight into your figures with user-friendly online tools;
  • There is always a team of specialists at your disposal;
  • From collaboration to complete outsourcing: you choose;
  • You know exactly where you stand, even for a fixed amount per month.



Jacco Oudhof

Partner Accountancy & Bedrijfsadvies
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