BDO Alkmaar
Comeniusstraat 4a
Alkmaar, 1817 MS, Netherlands
Phone:+31 72 518 30 00
Fax:+31 72 518 30 99
Postal address
P.O. Box 9340
Alkmaar, 1800 GHBDO Alkmaar serves a region that exudes entrepreneurship: many successful innovations and initiatives originate from here. Resourcefulness and openness go hand in hand with perseverance and courage. For the more than 80 accountants, tax advisers and consultants at our Comeniusstraat office only the best will do. If you do not have the necessary knowledge of finances and taxation in house? Let BDO Alkmaar help you.
We can help you in areas such as:
Our accountants, tax advisers and consultants attach great value to personal relationships. It is the story behind your question what drives them. Irrespective of the size of your organisation or sector, we are here to help you; we work efficiently, independently and with respect for your customer relationships. With our expert advice you will always remain in control.
If you would like more information? Our advisers at BDO Alkmaar will be happy to help you.
Comeniusstraat 4a
Alkmaar, 1817 MS, Netherlands
Phone:+31 72 518 30 00
Fax:+31 72 518 30 99
Postal address
P.O. Box 9340
Alkmaar, 1800 GH